22430 S Hackberry St, Yarnell, AZ 85362

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MLS #:6801552
Price:$ 423,995
Baths:1 Bath (1 F)
Type:Single Family
Size:828 ft²
Lot Size:108,900 ft² (2.5 acres)


Escape to the timeless beauty of Yarnell with this charming property at 22430 S Hackberry St. Set in Yarnell Heights, this 828 sq ft home, built in 1946 (Effective Age is 1994), offers a cozy retreat surrounded by Arizona's breathtaking landscapes. Yarnell's sweeping vistas, cool mountain breezes, and tranquil atmosphere create the perfect haven for those seeking a slower pace and deeper connection to nature. With its rich history and welcoming community, this is more than a homeit's a place to truly belong. Don't miss your chance to own a slice of Yarnell's serene charm.

General Information


Building Details

Year Built:
# of Stories:
Roof Type:
Air Conditioning:
Daniel Caudle

Daniel Caudle

(928) 458-0502

Award Realty

472 E Wickenburg Way Ste 102
Wickenburg, AZ 85390

(928) 668-1300

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